This flag includes both the Choctaw and Cherokee symbols, though I took some creative liberties with the Cherokee bow, as their current seal doesn’t do it for me. Also, the crescent moon bow is a very good fit with the Big Dipper.
As Delaware is the economic and political center of Chesapeake, I thought it only right to use its state colors. The Oriole is native to the entire country, making it a unifying symbol for the remaining regions. It’s also a subtle jab at their rivals in Acela, namely Baltimore.
As described in Sunset Sermon, the flag of Douglass tells a story. Starting in night, the people of Douglass reached the light by struggle, bloodshed, and a focus on their True North, albeit a less literal True North than the one many of their ancestors had once followed.
The GPR knows what it is, and certainly isn’t afraid to let everyone know. The bundle of grain is meant to symbolize strength in unity (much like a certain millennia-old symbol perverted by a certain Duce about 100 years ago), but the lack of an axe head like that symbol had shows the GPR’s commitment to peace. After all, you can’t sell grain to someone if you’re at war with them.
Hawaii finally sheds its union jack. Its new flag has a blue for the ocean surrounding for the islands, white for the sand of its beaches, and gold for the re-established (at least in name) monarchy.
The Lakota flag is gorgeous already, but I made a couple tweaks. I added black trim for the Black Hills. Then in the center, I added a ring of water for the rivers that criss-cross the region, with a golden center to show the Plains.
This is frankly just an upgrade on the current Texas flag, and also fits well with what the Lone Star Republic has gone through in the century prior to the anthology.